How do we rectify your acoustic problems? Select a category to learn more about a problem and ways to resolve it.
An analysis of the space and an understanding of how it is to be used allows us to calculate the best course of corrective action to take using our ABCD approach.
The process by which a material ‘soaks up’ the sound energy that hits it, rather than reflecting it back into a space.
Many acoustic problems occur due to the exclusive use of materials with hard, reflective surfaces in contemporary office designs, as these are poor absorbers of sound energy. Specialist absorbing products will trap unwanted sound energy and stop it from being reflected back into the space where it would otherwise add to the noise level and cause echo.
We can calculate the amount of acoustic absorption required in each space by measuring it using our own specially designed software. Each space and activity has its own specific acoustic target and this interactive process can be fine tuned to create the ideal acoustic design of each room or space.
Absorbing products that use advanced materials now allow offices to follow the modern aesthetic trend with minimal impact on the interior design.
Learn more about our absorbing products
Acoustic wall art and panelling
Acoustic ceiling islands and baffles
Acoustic screens
The introduction of barriers between the noise source and listener to prevent sound energy travelling freely through the air.
Blocking sound is the most visible method of acoustic management in the office and is achieved using products like partitions, screens and storage cabinets. The higher the barrier, the more effective, but these are often viewed as less attractive in the open plan office landscape. The most effective barrier products are those with a dense core and absorbent outer faces.
We examine the interior design to see what barriers should be in place that will prevent the free travel of the sound energy across the entire space, taking into account any acoustic products that have already been introduced into the designs and making adjustments if necessary. If too few barriers are in the proposed layout, we work with the designer to sensitively introduce them, ensuring they have the correct acoustic properties.
Ultimately, planning a space with the end users communication needs in mind will go a long way to creating an acoustically comfortable environment using blocking techniques.
Learn more about our blocking products
Download a product sheet
AA65 screens
Shhout workstations
Quadro room-in-room pods
Quadro low level partitioning
This is a treatment that reduces or eliminates the ability to hear unwanted conversations and noises thanks to the presence of a masking sound.
Covering or masking is achieved with the use of a sound masking system, which uses speakers to add an unobtrusive, background sound to reduce distractions. The sound is specifically engineered to cover up speech as well as noise from general office activities. Because the sound is truly random, containing no identifiable information, our brains aren’t able to focus on it and are therefore not distracted by it.
The speakers distribute a sound that raises the ambient (background) sound level in a controlled way, providing maximum speech privacy and noise management. Any noises that are below the new background level created by the masking sound are covered up and the impact of those still above it is lessened because the degree of change between baseline and peak volumes – the dynamic range – is smaller.
We use the LogiSon Sound Masking System to provide the cover in our ABCD solution because it offers industry-leading performance.
Further information
Download product literature
The scattering of sound energy within a space to reduce echo and reflections.
Diffusion produces a more even sound distribution, with reduced echo, than sound reflected off a flat surface.
When sound bounces off hard flat surfaces, the energy remains intact yielding discrete echoes which come back to the listener at approximately the same time and from approximately the same direction. These echoes cause disruptive effects such as standing waves and flutter echo which then degrade speech intelligibility.
Diffusors interrupt these echoes by scattering the sound energy over a wide area.
The effect is caused by the uneven surface of the diffusor reflecting the sound in different directions.
The resultant sound waves have different paths and varying intensities which are less intense than the direct sound, reducing localization and thus maintaining sound clarity and improving speech intelligibility.
A good diffusor not only changes the direction of sound propagation but does so evenly in all directions.
Talk to us to learn more about how we use diffusion techniques to complement sound absorption.
How do we rectify your acoustic problems? Select a category to learn more about a problem and ways to resolve it.